Rewind: A-Z

*Another creative writing piece moved over here from a 2013 Daily Prompt.  It was quite mind boggling to write but it was also a ton of fun! You should give it a shot if you haven’t tried this out before! 🙂 *

Daily Prompt (July 27, 2013):   Create a short story, piece of memoir, or epic poem that is 26 sentences long, in which the first sentence begins with “A” and each sentence thereafter begins with the next letter of the alphabet. Photographers, artists, poets: show us ORDERLY.

All the words had been said.  Both of them stood at the crossroads wondering which way to go. Caring for each other was the only thing they knew.  Death had happened between them.  Eventually, what they had vanished without any notice.  Further reasons were no longer needed.  Guilt was something that dragged out what was left. Happy memories haunted them.  In the moments that past as they looked at each other, they knew what had to be done.  Just walk away…

Knocking down the comfort zone to the unknown was the only way out.  Life’s path stretching out in front of the both of them was clearly unpredictable.  Many doubts go through their heads as they struggle to step out for their final goodbyes.  Nothing could possibly replace what they had experienced but times have changed. Obligated to act, they both stepped off the sidewalk facing opposite directions.  Pausing for that one last glance before their new journey begins.  Questions with no answers filled their faces.  Resisting the temptation to step back, they move quickly forward in their separate directions.  Suddenly, everything cleared up as the light shone down.  Tears covered their faces as they ran back into each other’s embrace.   Until then, this choice had never been more clear that it was in fact the right one.

Voyages were to begin as they pulled apart and ran off in their separate direction without looking back again.  Waking up and realizing that it was time to revive themselves: their forever companions.  X was the missing denominator they never found.

Yielding after an unknown time and in an quiet place, she knew it was time to embrace her journey and find herself again.  Zooming back into learning how to love herself again until her special one comes by.


Rewind: Telling It Backwards!

Sure — logical, clean order has its virtues. So does a bit of chaos, though (every once in a while). Instead of starting at your story’s Big Bang, drop us off right at the End of Time: the final line of a conversation, the last, dramatic moment of a journey, the messy aftermath of a wild night out. Then, devote the rest of your post to showing us how you got there.

 This was the topic for the weekly writing challenge back in early September 2013 originally posted on Tranquil Dreams. Here it goes….

No guilt trips, no more manipulation, no more hard feelings, no more accusations, this was the only way out to free ourselves.  It was time to let go. Tears rolled down my face as I fell into his arms and whispered in his ear, “We have to end this…”

A chat. A meeting. I can’t really remember how it all started anymore.  Things moved so quickly. Love at first sight maybe? But it wasn’t love at first. Attraction. We unexpectedly had our first kiss. Everything after that was a blur.  A magical blur that encompassed all the good two people could ever feel.  A lustful connection perhaps. A desire that was met.  Loneliness left us.  Whatever the reason, it was bliss: Feel completely accepted and wanted,  Passionate kisses.  Never wanting to leave each other and it was never quite enough.

For a while, nothing mattered anymore.  My true nature refused to be hidden and the question came out: What was I to him? We both knew that this question would have to have an answer.  We knew the risks involved and what this would mean.  Was it even worth it? As much as my heart throbbed that the logical choice was to walk away, somehow it felt weak to do that.  I can still remember the uncontrollable smile and the warmth that filled my heart as he slyly acknowledged who I was to him.

As the months flew by, love, loss, happiness, sadness and so many firsts were experienced together. In a flash, It was time to leave.  We both believed it would work. Every part of us knew that.  That summer we would go our separate ways and experience what we had to planned for ourselves.  Distance would be nothing. We were stronger than that.

As the distance grew, there was no stopping the unavoidable.  We believed wrong.  Caring words turned into misunderstood control, questions turned into mistrust.  The scarce amount of time together talking was not for catching up anymore but turned into more tears, more arguments and even more accusations.  Doubts arose and fear came by, could we ever mend this? Would we be the way we are if we were to be together again? What did this mean? So many questions that were so hard to answer.

Seeing him at the gates as he walked out looking for me, fear and confusion grew.  I knew this moment would be short-lived, but I realized how much I wanted to be in his arms again.  The comfort and joy that we felt turned into my fear as we went on our way home.  Spending time together was like we had never left each other.  The aching question still subconsciously invaded my thoughts: Will it work after being separated again?

Days later, as I walked down the stairs and saw him sitting at the foot of the stairs in thought, I stopped.  I felt our love fill my heart as memories of the first few months together turned him into my best friend.  As it followed through, my heart started aching as I thought of the accusations, manipulations, especially the tears.  Tears that had turned from missing someone to being hurt by that same person.  I could see the same thing rolling forward in a few days, maybe a few weeks.  I didn’t want to lose my best friend.  I wanted to remember him and for him to remember me before things got out of control.

There was no other way.  This was the choice I had to make.  One I fully believed that fate would eventually bring us together in time..perhaps.  A comforting thought nonetheless as I moved towards him and watched him stand up and turn around to face me.  My heart felt like someone was twisting it as I got closer and fell into his arms.

I’m Back and with some Writing!

Its been a long time since I’ve written here! The last post might have been almost 6 months ago. That is crazy!

Have no fear! I’m working on getting some writing here and once I get everything sorted out between my main blog and this writing one, I’ll schedule in time to work on some fifty and also start editing the NaNoWriMo novel which I’m rather proud of idea-wise that I did last November.  Its far from anything that I’d like to share here just yet but with some hard work, I think I can make it work.  I don’t intend on publishing it though.  However, this is for another day. Just know that new content will be on its way.

Meanwhile, I’m doing a little bit of changes in my main blog, Tranquil Dreams and I’m going to be moving some of the earlier and more memorable writing pieces so that I can keep everything together. Its from a few years back when no one was venturing near any of my writing and I didn’t work hard to get people to visit but I quite like the work I had put into it, so I don’t quite want to wipe it into oblivion just yet. To hold us over while things calm down, we’re starting with that.

If you are still around from last year, or you are stopping by for the first time, Happy New Year! All the best in 2016! 🙂

Without further ado, let’s start getting the creative writing pieces moved over here! 🙂


Weekly Writing Challenge: Passive vs Active Voice
My Activity: Paddling in a Dragonboat Race
Object in focus: Paddle


All is silent around us. The paddle rests horizontally on our lap and along the side of the dragonboat.

Slowly the paddle is lifted up into position, its bottom now dipped into the water. Our hands holding its long thin body and its handle on the top. The paddle plants itself vertically close along the side of the boat, submerged partially into the water. The coach reminds the 20 bodies to breathe deep and stay calm. Everyone reminds themselves of the game plan. Everyone reviews every movement they need to go through and remembers to not let their weaknesses overcome their technique. The words “Attention please” ring out and everyone shifts into race mode. Suddenly, the horn blows and the paddle is pushed quick, deep and intensely through the still water. As there are different whooshing sounds of each team’s 20 paddles breaking the water, we know we are off towards the finish line.  The race has begun.

Each paddle follows the other in front and around it in sync. The paddle moves faster with every 5 strokes that follows and pushing deep into the water. It sinks hard and is quickly pulled vertically through the strong water. Its pushed to exit the water rapidly and moved back to repeat the same motion. The paddle repeats this motion for a few more strokes and is kept at pace as the coach yells out transition. The paddle’s movements are now steady and smooth. It pushes deep into the water and reaches out far ahead, pushes quickly to clear the water through in a cycle.

Everyone in the boat is now focused on the paddle in front of them, keeping our intensity. We ignore any pain that is shooting through our bodies, our cores, our arms, our legs. At this point, we hear our next game plan come into motion: Pick-up. As we hear the countdown of 3-2-1, the paddles move even more aggressively through the water with each stroke. For the next strokes, it keeps at that strength and rate, helping to push the boat faster through the water. The boat thrusts forward with ever long and strong stroke. The paddle digs deep into the water hoping to clear as much water as it possibly can.

As we maintain the pace that we had set during pickup, we know what that after a few more strokes, we will be home free. Our bodies are feeling the pain and fatigue wants to wash through us as all our bodies and minds turn to expecting our finish. Everyone knows that if we lose focus now, that this could cost us the hard work. As we hear the word Finish from the coach, the paddles are drive into the water with full intensity. The paddles reach further as our bodies rotate to bring out all the strength our core can give. The paddles enter the water faster and pull quicker with every stroke. Locking out any thought of fatigue and doubt, we kick ourselves into the extra gear. The paddles are pushed more and more rapidly.

“Let it run”! The paddles stop and go back to rest on our laps. It has done its job. Another intense race has finished as cheers are spreading across the water from each of the teams.